Pay My Dues

or Make a Donation

Make your dues payment using our online payment system.

Dues are only $50 per year!

Use this QR Code to pay via  PayPal on your mobile device:  


click on the "Pay Now" button below


If you would prefer to pay by check or credit card, please download and print this form.


Thanks for your support!

If you would prefer to pay by check or credit card, please download and print this form.


To send us a note about your payment via PayPal or by check or
anything else you want to tell us, please fill in form below and click, "Send."


Click here to see if you have already paid your dues.

We graciously accept additional donations in any amount. 
Your additional contributions help offset those that are unable to pay due to financial hardship. 
You may specify any amount on the checkout page. 

Note:  Donations to Binglewood Civic Association, Inc. ARE NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE!